Peter Rabbit is a classic children’s tale written by Beatrix Potter that I read often as a kid. The story features Peter Rabbit sneaking into a garden and eating as many vegetables as he can – until he gets caught by the gardener! It’s a sweet story with beautiful illustrations and this Peter Rabbit Loaf Pan from Nordic Ware features a tribute to both of those things. The pan has an image of Peter Rabbit sitting at the garden gate with piles of carrots and turnips at his feet. The image is imprinted onto the base of the pan which, after baking, becomes the top of your finished loaf. The image is distinct, but relatively shallow, and that makes it easy to get loaves out of the pan while keeping the design intact. The pan is made of cast aluminum, which encourages even browning. and has a nonstick finish.
As is the case with many cakes that come from detailed pans, you won’t want to cover your loaves up with icing. Instead, either use a small quantity of icing to just outline the figure of Peter Rabbit, or simply serve the cake as-is. You can bake just about any type of cake in this pan, from muffin-like breakfast quick breads to rich chocolate loaf cakes. Carrot cake, of course, is probably a good choice.
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